Case studies

Smart Data Catalog


Gathi’s Smart Data Catalog was conceived, designed and developed with an intention to create a quick accessible data catalog.

Solution Offered: Supporting the Pioneers in Data Cataloging

At New Mek Solutions, we take pride in supporting, patronizing and cocreating the solution in collaboration with Gathi. The solution was to create a platform where enormous amount of data was collected; the challenge is in the retrieval and access of the data with efficiency and effectiveness.

The platform had a 6 point agenda which are as follows:

  • Manage Policies & Rules
  • Discover Data Assets
  • Organize Data Assets
  • Catalog Data Assets
  • Certify Data Assets
  • Track and Monitor Data Assets

The solution provided was a meta driven framework, widely searchable across organizations, certifiable and trustable data.


Python3.6, Django REST API, Spark, AirFlow, Superset, Zeppelin PostgresSQL, Pandas, D3.js, NumPy, Angular6 etc…